Wednesday 14 September 2011


This afternoon, I had lunch at the newly renovated KFC Restaurant in Sitiawan.  Kamariah and I brought along one of our students.  Earlier in the morning, the girl started crying and became very upset as she had seen a frightening apparition in her classroom.  It took the Ustaz and Ustazah (male and female religious teachers) in my school some time to calm her down by making her read verses from the Quran.
This girl is a bit special as she is said to have this ability to see beings from another realm.  It all happened last year after she visited a waterfall.  She became ill and started acting like a child.  It took many sessions of treatment from the paranormal experts to help heal her.  She has recovered but strangely, sometimes she is able to see 'beings' that normal people can't see.  Once in a while she becomes very frightened if the supernatural beings that appear to her have scary appearances.  She'd start to shiver and cry uncontrollably.
The Ustaz, Ustazah and I are quite used to this happening to her and we all know what to do.  I'd usually keep her with me in the library for a few hours until she has calmed down before I send her back to the hostel or to her own house, depending on the situation.  Today I brought her along for lunch as she had stayed with me until 3.30 p.m. which is way past lunch time at the school dining hall.  She would have no food to eat until dinner at 6.30 p.m.  I am sure that she enjoyed her trip out with me and Kamariah and would have put the unpleasant encounter with the scary looking being behind her.
I am sure that many of you out there would know of people who have this ability to see such "beings", am I right?  Or perhaps, you too are one such special person. In Chinese we refer to people who can see beings from different realms as having Yin-Yang eyes.

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