Saturday 10 September 2011


The Manjung district hospital organised "A Day with Clients" Programme and invited, Transport Minister, Dato, Seri Kong Cho Ha as the special guest. On the agenda was the presentation of certificates to people who have donated blood for more than 40 times. One of the recipients was none other than my friend, Daniel Farid. When he was warded at the hospital, the authorities there informed him that he has the highest record of times for donating blood among the recipients. So far he has donated blood for 73 times. He said that he has been donating blood since his school days. This is really something very commendable. According to the Red Cross, one can donate blood every two months or 6 times a year.
As far as I know, most of the blood donors in Malaysia are unpaid volunteers who give their blood for a good cause or as an act of charity.
In Buddhism, donating blood is a good way to make merit apart from giving alms, practising dhamma, listening to sermons and participating in candle light processions. Donating blood is a great merit as to give blood from ones body is to extend the lives others without expecting anything in return.

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