Wednesday 21 September 2011


Unlike many people, I get very excited when I see plants that I haven't seen before.  It happened again yesterday, when I spotted the loofah plant growing on the fence of a holiday chalet at Teluk Batik.  Next time, I go there I will ask for some seeds.
Now let me give you some input about the Loofah Gourd.  This type of gourd has several types of spellings, i.e. Lofah, Luffa or Lufa.  Any which way, they all mean the same.  It is also known as Washrag Gourd as it is used by housewives as a sponge.   The Loofah can be used for bathing, washing and scrubbing dishes. 
When fully matured, you can peel off the dried and outer shell to get to the fibrous sponge. To clean your it, you need to  wash in clean water and then soak it in a solution of bleach and water and allow to dry in the sun. 
Loofah sponges


ennie said...

Hi Lina, the plant & gourd very familiar to us, as my mum used to plant it, and make into washrag when its "old" (matured). We even had surplus then, and mum gave away to friends or sold it to the sundry shop.

Miss Cheah said...

I am going to try asking for the seeds and plant the Loofah in the school Herb Garden. Wish me luck!