Friday 22 April 2011


I am doing this post as a favour for my friend Spring who had asked me to suggest a ritual for healing a friendship.
Before I come up with a suggestion, let me explore how a friendship may become conflicted this year. 
From a Feng Shui prospective, the annual Argument Number 3 star is located in the North this year. This means if you spend time in the northern part of your home or bedroom, you are more likely to face conflicts and arguments. If there are any type of disturbance, such as renovations, digging of earth, or noise in the west, it will also activate the Argument star.
Anyone, who has activated the Number 3 Star would find himself or herself to be extra quarrelsome and have a tendency to get into more fights and conflicts in the Year of the Rabbit. 

What one needs to do is to place red objects in the North sector of the house or have a red coloured light bulb turned on the whole day to help quell the situation.
However, remember that Feng Shui just deals with the environmental energy around us.  It is not the cure all.  Sometimes, reason and common sense work better.  Should there have been conflicts or arguments, then may I suggest giving both you and your friend time to heal from the wound that was caused by yourself. Once everyone has had time to calm down and be more rational then approach your friends again to see if the relationship can be healed.
If you were the one who is in the wrong, then do your best to apologise.  But if your friend rejects your gesture then move one as nothing can heal a change of heart.

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