Sunday 24 April 2011


The Sun God

The Moon Goddess
In many cultures, parents look for godparents for their offsprings.  The Taoists are no different in that but only thing is that they would also consider getting godparents who happen to be a Deity.  The Goddess of Mercy is a very popular Godmother for Taoist children.
In my case, my mum was advised to give me to the Sun God and Moon Goddess as their godchild.  Ah Ha!  I am proud to admit that instead of one, I have a pair of Godparents.  Together, the Sun God and Moon Goddess symbolise Yin and Yang. 
These two deities are worshipped in the Tung Wah Cave Temple up in the hill.  So besides praying to the Jade Emperor when I go up there, I get to visit my Godparents as well.

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