Monday 25 April 2011


While I was climbing up the steps to the temple in the hill, I met a few elderly citizens who were hard at work sweeping the leaves that had fallen on to the steps.  Though they were at least in their sixties, these men looked strong and healthy.  Actually, they climbed the steps faster than I could. 
I met them later at the temple when I was enjoying the vegetarian meal that was served to me.  They told me that they come regularly to help maintain the temple by sweeping the leaves, picking up the rubbish, mopping the floor and keeping the altar clean and tidy.  One of the uncles told me that by serving God, he hoped that whatever sins that he had committed would be lessened.  I was told that their services are voluntary and they are not paid a single sen.  However, the temple committee would serve them vegetarian food.  I was told that besides volunteering at the temple, they also do good work at the old folks home.  One of them said that it also helps to keep them active and occupied.

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