Thursday 2 September 2010


Yesterday was a historical day for my school as it was the first time that a serving principal was retiring.  My colleagues and I worked very hard to give our beloved principal a grand retirement ceremony and also a memorable send-off.
 I am at the back of the hall where the retirement ceremony is being carried out.
Since yesterday was a day for Uniformed Units, everyone was wearing the uniforms for a particular Co-curricular unit. 
I am wearing the uniform for the girl guides while my colleague, Zaki is in the Youth Cadet uniform.
My friend Ishak who got a transfer to a neighbouring school came for the retirement ceremony for our principal.
Our school bus was used to ferry the principal from her home to the school.  A few of the teachers and the prefects were on board the bus to accompany the principal to the school.
The principal being received by one of the students from the Police Cadet Unit.
The principal being feted during the ceremony
Having a word with one of the students
Being greeted by the students
Waving goodbye to the students in an open top Mercedes
Being sent off in style in a Mercedes Sports and escorted by members of the Manjung Bikers
Waving farewell to the principal

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