Tuesday 31 August 2010


Khairah holding up a Baju Kurung at the shop. 
Choosing their festive clothings
Hmm ... which one shall I choose?
This boy chose a white coloured Baju Melayu
Khairah helping one of the boys to see if the clothings fit
Kamariah helping Dollah to choose footwear.  However he could not find a pair that fits. 
The boys lining up for the cashier to check their purchases
Azalilah helping the boys choose their festive clothings
Group photo with the boys at the Islamic Complex
Group photo with the girls
I have to thank my colleague Ustaz Syed Sharim for letting me help to collect contributions to buy new clothes for the orphans and the hardcore poor children at the Complex that he is in charge of.  Not only do I collect the money from my colleagues in school but Kamariah and I would also help to take the children to the shop to buy their new clothes, shoes and caps .  This is the third year that Kamariah and I have been given the honour to help.  This year I also got my friends, Khairah and Azalilah to come along as well.
A total sum of RM1619 was collected to buy clothes for 17 boys.  The clothes for the girls had already been sponsored by one kind lady who owns a boutique. 
In the above pictures, you can see the boys choosing their new clothings with the help of the teachers who came along.  The group photographs were taken at the Complex where the children are housed.
One of readers, Annie, mentioned that she liked to do something memorable on special dates.  Well, for me helping underprivileged children to buy festive clothings on the Independance Day of my country is an activity that is both memorable and also very meaningful.  Don't you agree?


Danial Jaafar 🇲🇾 said...

i agree, 100%. with all the incidents that have scarred the very bulan kemerdekaan, reading your story really gives me hope. =D

keep up the good work, i pray that i'm not gonna be the only one inspired.

Miss Cheah said...

Don't worry Danial, you are not the only one inspired by my story. The first year I did this, I fasted for one whole week and my friends gave me RM10 each. I think I managed to get about RM700 or RM800 then. At that time Ustaz only had about 10 orphans under his care. Now he has about 57. so my friends just gave me the money. My principal was really inspired by my story and she praised me during assembly.