Tuesday 31 August 2010


Tomorrow is a red letter day in my school.  All the students, teachers and staff will be bidding farewell to the principal on her retirement. 
The stage in the hall has been beautifully decorated by one of the teachers in my school, Mr Ridhaudin or Dean as he prefers to be called.  Dean is very creative and has managed to come up with such a beautiful stage for this special occasion.  I hope that when I retire, Dean is still in this school to design the stage. 


Yaluncute said...

the stage is really beautiful.
Why it's called a red letter day?

Please, visit my blog. And give some suggestions on it.
You're welcome mam.


Miss Cheah said...

I will explain red letter day in one of my posts. Give me some time and I will visit your blog. Ok?

Yaluncute said...

Thanx.. Miss Cheah..