Friday 18 June 2010


If you drive around Seri Manjung and Sitiawan, you would be able to see posters persuading people to become vegetarians to save the world.  Huh?  You may wonder why, right?  Well, it seems that going vegetarian or vegan is the single most green move a person makes to save the world.

Read the information below and you will understand why.

According to a new report published by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, the livestock sector generates more greenhouse gas emissions as measured in CO2 equivalent – 18 percent – than transport.The main culprits behind the global warming is our consumption of red meat.
Producing meat requires huge amounts of water, grain, land, and other inputs including hormones and antibiotics, and leads to pollution of soil, air, and water. A pound of beef requires around 12,000 gallons of water to produce, compared to 60 gallons for a pound of potatoes. If you’re a meat eater, for starters, try cutting out a serving of meat each week. Going vegetarian or vegan is a profoundly meaningful environmental choice

I don't have much problem with not eating meat as I eat a lot of vegetarian meals most of the time.  Besides I don't meat.  However, I do eat seafood and eggs.  Perhaps, I should try to eat even more vegetarian meals from now on.

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