Tuesday 6 April 2010


There was a mix-up in my order for lunch today.  I had ordered seafood spaghetti but got vegetarian spaghetti instead.  When I complained to the cashier at the counter, she apologised for the mistake.  I was given the order that I wanted but by then I was too full and so they packed it for me to takeaway. 
This is the type of workers that we should have.  An error was made, an apology was given and a rectification of error was done.
It was really not my intention to ask for a replacement after I had already eaten the vegetarian spaghetti.  I had only intended to voice my displeasure but instead I was given the food that I initially ordered.  Actually, I felt rather bad and hope that the workers involved won't be reprimanded by their superiors. 
However, I must am pleased that there are such conscientious workers who take their work to heart.

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