Thursday 15 April 2010


This is the house that I had signed an agreement for yesterday.  It is a single storey terraced house which meets my needs.  I am not someone who wants to live in a big mansion or a bungalow.  A house of this size would suit me fine.  What is important is that the moment I saw it I liked it.  That is the first thing one should do when choosing a house.  Then only should be out comes the compass stage.  However, Haji Hasnin would say that the stage before this would be to survey the neighbourhood and the surrounding area to see if it is a safe place to stay.  To him safety is the most important.  He gave a thumbs up to this house when I showed it to him today.  First and foremost, Daniel's house is just behind it.  One just needs to go out the backdoor and have a chat with him and his wife, Umi at their own backyard.  Then the houses of another teacher and two other staff members are situated nearby.  The uncle who treats my sprained arm lives a couple of blocks away and the immediate neighbours are white-coloured salaried workers. 
So now I am just waiting to see when I can move into the house?

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