Thursday 15 April 2010


Every other Thursday of the month, I have to go to the resource centre of another school for the Service Aid Programme. The school I went to this morning was S.M. Pangkalan TLDM which is located inside the Naval Base in Lumut.  The resource centre has been moved to the new building and that is why everything looks brand new.  In the above picture I am sitting behind the counter of the library.

The Media Teacher for the host school, Puan Noraini (pictured above), was so understanding and sweet when I told her that I might have to leave a bit earlier as I needed to go and see the housing developer to see if they could do something to help speed up the process of me settling into the house.  Before lunch time, she was the one to remind me that I should go and get my things sorted out and that she'd help me finish up what I was doing.

Miss Tan who is the senior assistant for co-curriculum for the school heard of my plight and came immediately to see me at the library.  She and I have been friends for 14 years.  She offered to let me stay in her other house which is vacant should the new landlord want to move into the house before I get to move into my new house.  I am truly touched as in times of adversity that one gets to see the finer side of our friends.

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