Saturday 3 April 2010


One of my mum's biggest grouses is that of the birds flying into our house and doing their business at our garage and also our porch. Besides making the place look dirty, these droppings are not good for health. 

According to some Feng Shui masters, birds coming into ones house is a good sign as they represent opportunity.  If  birds come and make nests in ones home then it is an incidation that good luck will be coming to the occupants. Then, it is also a common belief that if the bird's droppings fall on ones head then it is a good sign. 
But in my mum's case, I think that the constant bombardment of our home with bird poo wouldn't be that auspicious as the dirty dropping would mean the chi entering our home is not that clean. My mum has to do a lot of cleaning each day.  Maybe, I'll get her a birdhouse and place it in a part of the garden far from the entrance.

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