Saturday 3 April 2010


During Ching Ming time each year, there will be 3 graves for me and my family to visit.  Last week my cousin brother, his son and I had paid respect to our Cheah ancestors in Gopeng.  Today my mum, aunt and I went for Ching Ming at Sam Poh Caves to pay respects to my maternal grandparents, Aunt Linda's husband and my paternal aunt.  Tomorrow we will visit my dad's grave at Paradise Memorial Park.  We would follow this pattern each year as according to protocol we have to pay homage to the ancestors according to hierarchy.
Simple offerings of vegetarian food, apples, fatt koe, wine, tea and flowers to the ancestors.
Some people would also offer the favourite food of their departed relatives during Ching Ming time.
Paper offerings for the departed souls.
Burning the paper offerings for the dead.
People praying to their dead ancestors.
The monkeys living in the hills feasting on the food used as offerings for the departed souls.  I am sure the monkeys would be looking forward to the Ching Ming festival each year as they get to eat lots of yummy food.

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