Monday 12 April 2010


There are many celebrities in the Asian entertainment scene but my favourite is Wu Chun.  It may be because he being a Bruneian makes him like someone from my part of the world.  There will be some people who would say, "Ei! Li Na, no need to cover up.  We know you like Wu Chun because he is very Lang Chai (handsome in Cantonese.  Yeah! Yeah! I admit but then there are so many Lang Chais on this earth.  Why him?  It will again boil back to the fact that there is something about him that I can connect with.  On a television programme the Taiwanese said they couldn't really understand him when he speaks in Hokkien but I understood him perfectly.  This is because he speaks the dialect like we do here in Malaysia.  Also, he eats laksa, chappati, nasi lemak and drinks teh tarik like we do here. 
Most importantly, I am a fan of his because I feel that he is a genuinely nice person and someone that I admire and respect.   
I enjoy reading his blog and the things that writes about reinforces my perception of him.
Below is an excerpt from his recent post from his personal blog.

Recent disasters and weather conditions definitely is a warning to us by our mother nature because we took too much from her, not only for what we need but most of the time, we might just be too greedy to do so. That’s why we should love our earth, protect her!
In the past, I used to use up many towels in the hotel and would require change of bed sheets everyday probably because I’m not the one who will wash or change it so why not? Well, I guess I was too selfish in the past as I did not think that my doings will not only waste water and harm our environment but I also feel pity to the housekeepers as they need to change so many sheets in a day and some are not even dirty at all! We should always think for others and we got to CHANGE our bad habits slowly but surely!
Letters without envelopes - Something that I realised for quite some time but didn’t take the initiative to tell all of you! Honestly speaking, I do value all the letters you guys wrote me but I feel that envelopes are not required at all! I believe all of us wanna save the environment so everytime when I see the envelopes wasted, I feel very guilty because many trees were taken to produce these papers. Thus, I believe if it is not necessary to waste papers, we try our best not to so I really hope all of us can give it a try, yeah
Donation instead of Gifts - I’m glad to know that most of you are so well behaved now! I know, I know… it takes time for you to change and that’s why sometimes it would be too hesitant for me to reject your gifts as I don’t wanna disappoint you guys but please understand my intention and don’t put me in a difficult position to accept your gifts ok You can use the money to do a little donation and that makes a huge difference to your life and mine too and that’s also the most happiest gift for me so I hope you guys think that way too
Many times, it’s just a Habit that we need to change! Once you change it, you can feel life is good and we can make it better Go go go, try it!!!
Last of all, a very Happy Easter holiday to all of you

Quotes from the famous Aristotle: -
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”

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