Monday 12 April 2010


From yesterday, my neigbour was telling me that it would be really difficult for me to buy a new house to move into within a space of three months.  The new houses that I viewed had all been bought.  Even the broker that my neighbour went to see told her that all the lots were sold.
When I was in school this morning, almost everyone kept telling me that it was rather difficult to buy a new house without having to wait for it.  One teacher said that the houses in the area that I was interested in were all snapped up and no one would want to give them up as the new Tesco Hypermarket will be within walking distance.  Even Haji Hasnin advised me to buy a second hand double storey house that was near Kamariah's house.  When I called my mum, she mentioned that the house was not too suitable for me as it was too big.  Anyway, I was adamant that I wanted to buy a new house and the house had to be in the area that I wanted.
After school, I got Kamariah to send me to the developer's office to see if they might just have someone who wanted to give up his or her house.  Know what?  When we had just managed to find a parking space near the office, my cellphone started to ring.  It was Daniel.  He had gone to the developer's office to sign some documents for his new house and found out that there were 5 houses that were up for sale.  YESSSS!!!  I quickly went into the office and saw Daniel and his mum there. It seems that initially the lots were not for sale due to some red tape but everything had been cleared. The clerk gave me the house numbers of the vacant lots and then Kamariah and I went to check out the houses.  You know me.  Being very Feng Shui conscious, I wanted to see that there were no poison arrows and no T-junctions.  Both of us agreed that house number 669 was THE ONE for me. As the song goes, "Que Sera Sera, what will be will be."
I called to book the house and will go and do the necessary stuff to buy the house.

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