Sunday 11 April 2010


My mum and I ordered a 5 Element Pagoda Plaque from the Ipoh WOFs boutique in January and it only came today.  We were supposed to hang this 5 element pagoda plaque in the Southwest corner of our house to overcome the misfortune star that creates loss of money, accident and sickness. The plaque is specially designed with the 5 element pagoda and two powerful mantras which subdue obstacles and purify bad karma. I had to use a lot of heavy duty double sided tape to stick it to to the top of our house door as we can't knock a nail there for fear of activating the ominous star.
As far as my mum and I are concerned, we would go through a lot of trouble to make our home safe from the 5 Yellow Star as we were victims of it in 2003 when the Star was located in our bedrooms.  That time we had no knowledge of Flying Star Feng Shui and as a result my mum became very, very ill.  My dad too became seriously ill and he became a fatality.  An relative of mine whose kitchen and bedroom were located where the Star was also became seriously ill and until today is still undergoing treatment for cancer.
The Chinese have a saying, "If one has never seen a ghost, he or she will not be afraid of the dark" which means that if we haven't encountered something bad we would not know the ills that it would bring.

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