Saturday 17 April 2010


At the Kuan Yin Cave Temple
At the Siamese Temple

I would usually make it a point to go to a temple and thank Buddha, Kuan Yin and other Taoist Deities for their blessings and protection so that I could celebrate another birthday.  I again prayed for another year of good health and fortune plus blessings for my relatives and friends.
Today I managed to go to two temples in Ipoh; the Siamese Temple in Tambun Road and the Kuan Yin Cave Temple in Gunung Rapat.  I bought two lotus candles and placed them as offerings to Lord Buddha.  It is hoped that the lighting of the candles on my birthday would help to provide me with an enlightened path for the year ahead.  Of course, I promised to do more good deeds and be more charitable to deserve the blessings.

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