Monday 19 April 2010


This is the back of the house that I have signed an agreement to buy.  If everything goes well with my application for a government loan, then it would really be mine.  If one were to stand there and look outside, one would see the house of my friends, Daniel and Umi.  The entire length of their house is the same as the breath of 'mine'.  Now, you might be wondering why Li Na is going on and on about the length and breath of both houses.  Simple, it has something to do with Feng Shui.

I know a thing or two about the Form School of Feng Shui and one of it is that it is better to have a tall building behind ones house to get mountainous support from behind.  Nowadays, it is rather difficult to get mountains and so tall buildings take their place.  One thing to remember when buying a house is that we must not choose a house which has a building that is taller in front of it as  this is symbolic of huge obstacles, which one may have to face every day.  It will become worse if one is passing through a bad period in life.

 Ahem! Ahem! By the Grace of the Divine Powers Above me, I found out on Sunday when I brought my mum and aunt to look at the back of house that 'my' lot is the only one in the row that has the complete backing of the two-storey building behind.  When I chose the lot, I had initially thought that the houses to the left and right had the same backing but when I took a good look yesterday, they did not.

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