Wednesday 14 April 2010


My friend Daniel teased me that the way I bought the house was akin to someone going to the market and picking out vegetables.  He said he took a few months to ponder and consider buying the house and here I took two days to find a house and another two more before I signed the agreement at the lawyer's office.  In my case, I needed to be quick as I don't want to be without a place to stay.  Neither do I want to move into another rented house first while waiting for my housing loan to be approved.  Believe me, it would be very Ma Fan or troublesome.
In this picture, I am waiting for the clerk to bring me the necessary documents to sign.
Signing and initialling the agreement.
There were so many documents to sign. 
TADA ... finished signing and initialling all the documents.  So now they have to act fast so that everything gets approved and finalised so that I can get the keys to the house.
Kamariah accompanied me to the lawyer's office to sign the agreement and gave me some very helpful advice since she had experience buying a house.  In a way, my landlord wanting to sell his house is a blessing in disguise for me.  Quite a number of my friends went out of their way to help me look for a suitable house and some were concerned for me.  I had joked that if worse comes to worst, I might have to ask permission to stay at the Quarters reserved for the principal if I were asked to vacate my rented house.  One of my friends was so worried that I would go ahead with the idea that she left a message in the school blog for me to have a chat with her about the decision.  Why?  This is because the principal's Quarters is said to be haunted and many guests who had stayed there had reported sightings and also strange occurences when they spent the night there.  I was truly touched by this sweet gesture. 
On Day 1, my neighbours were helping me to scout for a new house to buy and even started to look for a place for me to rent just in case I couldn't find a place to move when the new owner takes over the house.  Then there were the teachers who informed me of houses that were for sale so that I could go and have a looksee.  Then there was the mother of one of my friends who read about my plight and she informed her son about it.  Well, Daniel who had gone to the developer's place to finalise the details of his own house asked about an available house in his area and immediately called me to go to the office when he found out about the houses that had become available just recently.  Last but not least is the beautiful lady above who had accompanied me for the past four days to look for a house, to make a booking and finally to sign the agreement.
A couple of days ago, I had asked for Divine help to find me a place to call my own.  I am pretty sure the Powers above had sent angels to carry out this task.  For that I am truly blessed.

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