Sunday 11 April 2010


My birthday is only next week but my elders seem to be giving Ang Pows already.  Last week, I got the ang pow from my Aunty Tum and this week I got ang pows from my mum and Aunt Linda.  So I decided to buy an 8 Object Feng Shui pendant. So off I went to the WOFs boutique in Ipoh to buy my prezzie with the money I got. In the above pictures, you can see Danny securing the pendant for me and then helping me to wear it.  It is all shiny and glittery. 
The Chinese believe that wearing gold jewellery will bring lots of good luck. The pendant I bought has 8  auspicious symbols in the design, thus multiplying the luck. With my Lai See money I bought something auspicious in the hope that my material and spritual luck will be multiplied and maximised manifold in order for me to have peace of mind and happiness.

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