Sunday 28 March 2010


My colleague, Cikgu Azman has a sore throat and because of that his voice is very hoarse. He told me that he had tried some herbal remedies but they were not effective. When I met him in school yesterday  morning, he told me that he has to give a speech at night and with his voice like that, he would sure have trouble.

I suggested that he try taking a tablespoon of the lemuju (oregano) juice as this is an effective cure for cough, sore throat and a hoarse voice. He duly followed me to the Herb Garden where I showed him the plant and plucked some of the leaves for him. Hope the oregano juice will help.
I also have the oregano plant in my own garden as it is a very handy plant to have at home.  If your throat is feeling itchy or if you have a cough, then all you need to do is pluck three leaves and boil them with about 1 and a half cups of water for about 10 - 15 minutes.  You can add rock sugar to make the drink tastier.

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