Saturday 27 March 2010


Here is information on the medicinal uses of Rudraksha beads that I found on the Internet that I am sharing here with you.
Rudraksha bead is a natural tranquilizer and it has been proved that wearing Rudraksha around heart controlled heart beat and keeps blood pressure under control. For this, it is necessary that the Rudrakasha bead should touch the heart. People with the problem of high blood pressure can also take Rudraksha as a medicine. Dip two Beads of Five Mukhi Rudraksh in a glass of water in night and let them immersed in water for whole night. Drink that water in the morning, before any other intake. You can use any metal for the vessel except copper.

» Rudraksha also imposes positive effect on Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Palpitations and Lack of Concentration.

» It cools down the body temperature and brings calm to mind. Those who suffer from anxiety should keep big size Five Mukhi Rudraksh with themselves and whenever they feel nervous, they should hold them tight in their right palm for ten minutes. It will help them to regain their confidence and their body would become stable.

» Rudrakasha is an excellent bead for pregnant women. Wearing Garbh Gauri Rudraksha helps women who have problems in conceiving a child and are prone to abortion. Rudraksha is also useful for women suffering from hysteria and coma.

» Rudraksha also help to cure prolonged cough, the paste of ten-faced Rudrakasha with milk relieves prolonged cough. This medicine should be taken thrice a day. It can be used as a cure for skin diseases, sores, ringworm, pimples, boils and burns also.

» Rudraksha is also good for children who suffer from frequent fever. Such children should wear three-faced Rudrakasha.

» To cure smallpox equal quantity of black pepper and Rudrakasha should be powdered and taken with water.

» Rudraksha is also useful in mental diseases. Milk boiled with four faced Rudrakasha seed is good medicine for mental diseases. This also helps in increasing your memory.

» Rudraksha also possess anti ageing property.


Now I think I shall get me some of these wonder beads.  I wonder whether I can get them at some of the Hindu shops in Little India.  I'll give Sharveen a tinker to see if he knows where to buy them.

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