Wednesday, 11 November 2009


Flying star chart from 7th November to 6th December, 2009

I am sure that most of us would have experienced periods in our lives when we become sort of very quarrelsome and disagreable with the people around us.

According to Flying Star Feng Shui, there is a Quarrelsome Star #3 which would fly into a certain sector for the year and at the same time, this star would also fly into other sections every month. For your information, the sector occupied by this Star for 2010 is the West sector. So those whose bedrooms are located here would find that they would argue over little things.

In the year of the Ox, residents of a house whose bedrooms are in the West Sector would find themselves in disagreement with each other. Similarly, this Star #3 would also fly into other sectors each month. From 7th November to 6th December, the energies of conflict reach a high point this month with the quarrelsome star paying a visit in the East. Residents with East-facing houses could find themselves arguing with others for no reason and might end up fighting quite violently!
What to do? If possible, do not sleep in that area for this particular period and see if there is any improvement. For those whose houses are facing east, they could try placing a Yang water feature like an acquarium there to neutralize all the negative vibes. Don't place the water feature in the bedroom.
Most importantly, one must remember that all the Feng Shui cures would not be able to work miracles if we ourselves are unable to practise tolerance and understanding. Also, loving couples who suddenly find themselves arguing over petty things might try to remind themselves that all the discord could be caused by some 'naughty' stars out to create havoc in our lives.

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