Wednesday, 11 November 2009


Well, the force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together." - Ben Kenobi, A New Hope

"Life creates it, makes it grow. It's energy surrounds us and binds us." - Yoda, The Empire Strikes Back

Above are quotes by Jedi Masters, Obi Wan Kenobi and Yoda in the Star Wars trilogy. Therefore it is important that we keep this energy field that surrounds and binds us in tip top shape. Therefore, we should be able to understand the importance of cleansing the energy fields that make up our environment and us.

Unlike the Jedi Masters who are able to sense an imbalance in the Force, we normal humans do not have such capabilities. Nevertheless, we are affected by it. Have you ever gone into an area or building and felt uncomfortable or a place that made us feel edgy, depressed or anxious to get out?

I am sure many would have felt the atmosphere in a room where an argument had taken place to be heavy and dismal. The occupants would begin to feel irritable yourself. This negative evergy, if allowed to exist and fester and eventually affecting all the occupants there. If nothing is done about this bad energy, then it can even make you, your family, your pets and your plants sick. It will actually make your house sick. Animals are especially vulnerable as they act as buffers for us, and will absorb this negativity until they get physically sick.

So it is important that we get rid of the negative energy by carrying out a cleansing ritual. When we cleanse, we're replacing undesirable energy with desirable or positive energy.

One must remember to carry out the cleansing ritual in good mood. If you do a cleansing ritual or procedure with anger or fear of the negativity you are trying to release, you will only exchange one kind of negativity for another. You gain nothing.

Here in Malaysia, we use the kemunyan or incense rock to do a smudging ritual. Alternatively, we can use a bowl of water infused with 7 coloured flowers, pomelo leaves, kaffir lime leaves, pomegranate leaves, rock salt, Chinese tea and kaffir limes for the cleansing ceremony. One needs to go around the house and sprinkle the water containing all the cleansing ingredients. One does it from the back to the front of the house and finally throwing the water out onto the road or drain.
Those who live in the West could try the rituals from the following website:


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