Wednesday 18 November 2009


My friend, Puan Khairah's son is sitting for his SPM examination. This is a very important examination which can determine his future. Early this morning she took some time to pray to Allah to ask for blessings for her son's success.
Actually, she is not alone. Mother's all over the world will do the same regardless of race, creed or religion. They all wish their offsprings to do well and will offer prayers in temples, churches,mosques, synaqogues and other religious houses in the hope that the Divine Beings will shower Their blessings on their children.

Like my friend, Puan Khairah, mothers in South Korea will by the tens of thousands pray for good results at Buddhist temples as well as at Christian churches when their children are sitting for important examinations that will determine their future.
See how great a mother's love is. I am sure the Divine powers above will answer the prayers of these loving mothers. Ugh! That is provided that their children have put in enough effort for the examinations. If not, the combined prayers of their family members would come to nought as God will not help those who do not help themselves.

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