Monday 26 October 2009


Kim Hyun Joong of SS501

There are no new cases of death from H1N1 in Malaysia so far and I find that people are slowly forgetting how dangerous this disease can be. Yeah! Yeah! the newspapers still carry reports that there is a threat and also there are messages from our Ministry of Health asking everyone to be cautious but almost everyone seems to be taking things lightly where H1N1 is concerned.

Well! It is so fun getting the virus and ones life would be put on the line. The band leader of Korean boyband SS501, Kim Hyun Joong, was diagnosed with swine flu or H1N1 while he was in Tokyo and he underwent treatment there. According to Hyun Joong , the reading for his body temperature rose until 40 degrees celcius. On top of that he had diarrhoea, he had a very bad cough and other symptoms of influenza. He was kept in isolation and he knew that there were people dying in the rooms next to his. He admitted to being very scared.

So we shouldn't let our guards down as I read that there might be a second more deadly wave of the H1N1 making an appearance.

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