Wednesday 7 October 2009


The Rangoli that I have been working on since last Wednesday with my librarians and a few of the teachers and staff is finally completed. This is a real collaborative effort as some of the students helped to pick two of the materials used for the Rangoli, that is, the saga seeds and also the areca nuts. I actually discussed the theme with Sharveen first. He was the one who suggested that we use the 1Malaysia theme and I agreed with him. I started by making a frame for the number one and then added the saga seeds, areca nuts and barley grains. The next day I brought different coloured grains that I had bought from the supermarket and my students came and helped me. After we finished the number one, we added the hibiscus flowers, then butterflies.
Encik Megat, the school peon, making a bird design.
Me with some of my students when we first started on our project.
Haji Hasnin giving some advice to the girls to make the Rangoli look even better.
Nurul and Vandana wroking on the Rangoli
Vandana who has been making Rangoli's since small helped to do the finishing touches for the Rangoli
Our masterpiece
Truly a one Malaysian effort as it was produced with the effort of teachers, staff and students of different races, religions and culture who call themselves Malaysians.

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