Sunday 18 October 2009


A few years back, advertisement banners were made from cloth drawn by some artistic workers of the shop but nowadays we have machines to do the job.
Over the past couple of years, my school also has ordered a lot of such banners for our programmes. Previously, we just stored them away. The banners of very important events would be displayed in the school gallery. Those that are stored away won't really see the light of day. I noticed that some resourceful people have used them to cover their cars or use them as shades for their houses.
In the state of Penang, they are starting to recycle these old banners by turning them into bags. These bags will be given to associations and organisations for free with the provision that they are to be sold for charity for a RM10.00 or more.
Wonder if my mum would let me use her sewing machine to experiment making a bag from an old banner?

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