Monday 15 June 2009


This post is in response to Spring's query about what Feng Shui can do for senility. The Chinese believe that our feet holds the answer to our state of our minds. Read the extract below first:

Watch Your Feet!
The Chinese believe “cold arises from the feet” and “a person’s aging starts from the feet”. The feet are the source of hidden troubles for premature senility and pathological changes in the human body. The Chinese believe that every meridian point in our feet is a part of our body system; therefore foot reflexology is the ideal treatment for the elderly, the stressed executive, the sportsman, in fact just about anybody.

Extract taken from "Feng Shui World (November/December 2007)".


Reflexology can benefit individuals with a variety of health problems including mental health problems like depression, senility, Parkinson's syndrome and dementia. Since Alzheimer's Disease is related to mental decline then reflexology could be helpful to slow down its progress.

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