Tuesday 2 December 2008


Early in the morning, my neighbour called me over to her house to look at the new auspicious plant that she had just acquired. She got it from a friend who did not want the plant anymore. According to her the plant is called 'tit shu' 鐵樹 in Cantonese and if the plant flowers then it means that the people living in the house will get good luck.
I know she means well and wants to share her wealth getting knowledge with me but somehow I don't really believe that should the plant bear flowers it's going to bring money luck. Maybe if we place a plant (most plants without thorns) in a wood sector or a sector that thrives on wood, then the wood energy would be activated but not this.
Besides, if the plant was such a wealth attractor, surely her friend would not have thought of giving it away to her. I wonder why she did not think of that in the first place.

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