Wednesday, 31 December 2008


Feng Shui is all about balancing and harmonizing the flow of natural energies in our environment. Many people practise it for the obvious reasons of creating better health, increasing energy and vitality, joy, and good luck. LIke many Chinese, I am very kiasu and is a practitioner of this ancient Chinese environmental science.
One way to transform energy in Feng Shui is by clearing clutter. It is very basic and simple but at the same time very powerful.
The basic premise of Feng Shui is that all things are alive and vital with Qi or life force energy. According to Feng Shui principles, everything is in the form of energy and as we shift energy on one thing it affects the energy of others. When we release energy from our environment it also affects our bodies and aura. The moving about of energy will make us feel more positive. As a result, we will be able to create or attract what we desire into our lives. In short, we need to create a harmonious environment both inside and outside.

So, on the last day of 2008, let us get rid of unwanted old stuff as clutter creates delay. Clutter also causes energy to get stuck. Dirt, dust and filth cling to clutter and the same goes for energy. Energy that is stagnant causes you to feel tired, unbalanced and depressed. One becomes very negative and would have a tendency to procrastinate and underachieve. Decluttering is the way out of this mess as it makes you feel healthier and happier. So, start now.
  • If you want new ideas and energy to come your way, make room for new information by clearing clutter from your home or office. Start by clearing your garage or storeroom. If you feel that that is too much then just start with a desk or drawer.
  • Let go of old love letters, broken items, old records, old clothes, old books, extra blankets and anything you are no longer using.
  • You will find that as you release energy from old and tired stuff, you become energised as you reclaim your own energy and increase your vitality.
  • Space clearing is empowering and you will be amazed at how energetic you will feel, attracting positive experiences and situations into your life.

There is only a bit left of 2008 now and what a better way of ushering in a new year by clearing clutter. This is a great way to start the New Year with New Qi!


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