Monday, 24 November 2008


I saw this lovely mirror at a shop selling imported tableware and also mirrors. The shopgirl said that it cost about RM500.00. The moment I saw it the vision that flashed into my mind was the scene in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs where the wicked Queen said the infamous lines, "Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who's the fairest one of all?"
In the above pictures, you can see the reflections of me and my friend's daughter, who is fondly known as Kak Lang.
Actually, in real-life there is no such thing as the fairest one of all as far as I am concerned. How can we measure beauty? It is such a subjective issue. Even those who win the titles of Miss This or Miss That would not really be considered the fairest. They only happen to get the highest scores from a panel of judges. Change the judges and you might get a different winner altogether. One person might look at me and say, "Wah! What a pretty lady" but another might say, "Huh! What? You call her beautiful. No way."
Have you ever found someone really beautiful after getting to know her but others who don't will say that she is just a plain Jane? Well, there are some people whose character and deeds have made them so attractive that their inner beauty really shines through making those who know them see them as such. Hopefully, we can learn to appreciate inner beauty as good looks will fade with time.

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