Thursday 27 November 2008


A very embarassed me after getting down the horse
Had to wait for the merry go round to slow down before I could get off
Storm Rider
Dragon Flight
Storm Rider
Me on board the Giddy Galleon

I must relate an embarrassing incident that happened to me at The Lost World Theme Park. It happened at the Dry Park where they had all the rides. I first gingerly tried the Storm Rider which is a pirate ship which swung from one end to the other and as it picked up momentum it went higher and higher. My fears that I’d feel giddy or nauseous were unfounded as I enjoyed the momentum and had a fun ride. My mum next suggested that I try the Dragon Flight where one is spun very high up in the air. I told her that I’d give that a by as I was afraid that I’d feel dizzy and squeamish after the ride and would not be able to drive home. We then went for lunch and after that planned to take the train ride. While waiting for the next ride, I saw that there was another ride at the other far end and decided to go investigate. I saw that it was a merry-go-round and had visions of riding on one of the horses like in the Korean dramas. Heh! Heh! And so I got Mrs Cheah to hold the camera and wait for me to get on the ride and take pictures. And that was when it happened. The young man in charge of the ride came and told me to get down from the horse as it was only for children under 12 years of age. Oh, my God! I was so embarrassed and got down from the horse as quick as I could but could not get off the merry go round and so had to hold on to one of the poles. My mum caught my embarrassing moments on film. And it was after that embarrassing episode that I decided to try both the Dragon Flight and the Giddy Galleon. I needed some adrenalin inducing activities to get over my shame. Guess what? I did not feel dizzy, squeamish or frightened at all. As a matter of fact, I took pleasure in the rides. Now I realise that I do not suffer from high anxiety at all. My mum did not take pictures of me in flight as she said that one could not really see me when I am flung so high up in the air. Sigh! There are no pictures of me in my moments of glory but only of shame.

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