Monday 29 September 2008


The precept for the vegetarian diet is an exercise to make the person become a more sentient and caring human being. If the person observing the diet only does so for the sake of gaining merits or wealth, then it defeats the purpose of the whole exercise.

The ultimate aim of the diet during the 9 days is to get the devotees to lead a very simple lifestyle during the entire period. The idea is for the person to learn selflessness by dedicating services to others and by offering prayers to seek blessings for others. The precept is therefore aimed at disciplining a person to be selfless and calm, to not give in to hatred and not to give in to unearthly desires and greed.

If we succeed in cultivating our minds through physical, mental and verbal purification, then we will be able to gain merits and be able to attain happiness through our beliefs. In this way, the ongoing battle between good and evil will go in favour of good.

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