Tuesday 30 September 2008


I snapped the photographs of the nipple fruit when I went to my tailor's house. It was actually my mum who noticed the fruit and asked if she could pluck some to be used as offering for our house deity. In Chinese it is known as 5 fingered fruit and is supposed to be auspicious. I can imagine why it is called nipple fruit in English. Heh! Heh!

Here is some information about the fruit:

NAME OF HERB: Nipple Fruit, Foxhead or Terung Susu Kambing in Malay
Scientific name: Solanum Mammosum L.

You need to crush the fruit and apply to the boils and sores to treat them. It is also used in traditional Malay medicine to treat high blood pressure, diabetes, piles and breast cancer. To treat high blood pressure, you need to make a hole at the end part of the fruit and then boil it. Drink two glasses of the water boiled with the fruit daily.

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