Monday 29 September 2008


Each time a donation is made, the drum is struck
Temple bell will also be struck each time a donation is announced
Joss-sticks and other prayer paraphernalia
Lining up for free vegetarian food
One of a few palanquins
Offerings of tortoise shaped buns
Entrance to the temple
Yellow banners for the 9-Emperor Gods
Devotees offering prayers

Today marks the first day of the Nine Emperor Gods Festival (九皇爺). This Taoist festival is celebrated to mark the return from heaven to earth of the Nine Emperor spirits.There will be an air of festivity at the temple where the worshippers welcome the visitation of the Nine Emperor Gods who they believe will bring good fortune, longevity and health to the believers. The festival is celebrated from the 1st until the 9th day of the 9th lunar month. It is during this time that devotees would visit the Tow Boo Kong temples throughout the country for the festival.

These nine deities are believed to dwell in the stars in heaven and on the eve of the ninth moon, temples of the deities will hold a ceremony to invoke and welcome the nine emperors from waterways.

During the duration of the festival, there will be chanting of prayers by the priests and devotees who have chosen to stay at the temple. They will be dressed in white and observe a 10-day vegetarian diet beginning from the eve of the ninth month. Many Chinese believe that during this time, there will be lots of rain. During the festival mediums who go into a trance will write out protective charms with their blood. There will also be a parade of the nine gods along the streets, with each of the deities carried in large and elaborate sedan chairs. On the ninth day the festival draws to a close and there will be a procession to send the deities back home via a waterway such as river or sea. There will also be devotees who walk over a burning charcoal pit as a show of their faith.

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