Monday 29 September 2008


Those who visit the temples celebrating the 9 Emperor Gods festival would notice 9 oil lamps raised high on a bamboo pole in front.
What is the significance of the 9 lamps? I was told that there are few significances. One is that they are used as location markers for the deities in heaven to enable them to participate in the celebration. Something like when my Malay friends' weddings where they put up the bunga manggar to tell guests how to reach the house of the bride or groom. Another significance is that it is the "Bei Dou" lamp which symbolises the annilihilation of disasters and the ushering of bliss in Taoism. The third significance of the lamps is that each represent one of the Nine Emperor Gods; Tian Yin, Tian Ren, Tian Zhu, Tian Xin, Tian Qin, Tian Fu, Tian Chong, Tian Rei and Tian Feng.
Reference: The Mystical 9-Emperor Gods published by SWSB

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