Friday 26 September 2008


Baron, Joe and Ethan

Ethan Yuan and Joe Chen

Dylan played by Baron Chen

I finished watching the drama "Fated to Love You" and had to admit that I did look something like the lead actress. And now because of that I have to cook for Eric and Sharveen for saying that their eyes needed to be checked. Must learn to keep my big mouth shut before I finish watching anything. It seemed that at the beginning of the show, the main character was supposed to look plain, simple and awkward. That was why Joe Chen was with most unflattering glasses, unfashionable clothing and also made-up to look plain. In the second half of the show, she decided to make a fresh start in life and had a beauty makeover after her miscarriage and deceit from her hubby's girlfriend.

As I had mentioned before the plot of the story seemed a bit far-fetched to me. Another thing is that this girl had two good looking and successful males practically throwing themselves at her. Yeah! She is an attractive girl with a nice figure and great personality to boot and should get the men drooling over her and that is no doubt about that. But my bone of contention is this, "Do men like Dylan and Cun Xi (the two leading male characters) really exist?" They seem like prince charmings out of fairy tales that are too good and too perfect to be true. Both men saw beyond the outer surface of the girl and loved her even when she was plain and awkward. This Cun Xi guy married her again even though he found out that she was barren and that his family lineage was at stake. Aiyah! The story is only make believe and there don't really exist men like Dylan and Cun Xi.

When I went into the website for this drama, there was a question for the visitors which goes "Out of the four leading characters, which do you like the most?" (四個主要角色中,你最喜歡誰?) For me, it is most definitely the girl, Chen Xin Yi. Why? Because Eric says I look like her. Hee! Hee! Just joking. Seriously, I like her because the character is genuinely nice and has no ulterior motives and her inner beauty shines through. It is her loving and sincere character that has that magnetic power to make all those around her love and treasure her. Furthermore, she is indeed lucky to get someone (actually two someones) who truly loves her for herself. What else could a girl ask for? To me that is the happiness that I and almost every girl on this earth are in pursuit of. BUT - it is just a fairy tale. Sigh!

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