Monday 25 August 2008


Nabilah and Auntie Li Na
Li Na and the giraffe
Li Na was here
My students and I
The Zoo Logo

In front of the museum
Some of the exhibits
My students in front of the museum
Discovery of tin oreViewing the exhibits

I went to Taiping today with my students. We went to Taiping Zoo and the Ngah Ibrahim Museum. Five teachers and 31 students went on the trip. One of the teachers, Tuan Haji Hasnin brought along his young daughter, Nabilah.
Learning is actually a lifelong thing and it is not only confined to the classrooms. We can get knowledge anywhere. It is up to us whether we want to make the effort to learn more. The students of this class went on this trip as a reward for being the class that read the most books under the NILAM reading programme for my school.

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