Sunday 10 August 2008


Moles on our faces and bodies can be removed by surgery, laser or natural method. The first two methods can be rather costly. As far as I know, the Chinese people have been doing it naturally for thousands of years since they believe that certain moles on certain parts of the bodies bring bad luck and their removal would help to change ones fate. There are people who are specialised in mole removal from China and also here in Malaysia.
This evening I decided to remove a few of the moles on my face. The moles are very small ones but could develop into much bigger ones over time. Besides, they were moles that were not considered good. A mole by the side of my left cheek was supposed to bring bad luck and also lost of money. Wah! I don't have much money and so cannot afford to lose more. So I had better get it removed. The sifu who did the procedure is from China. The method he used was the natural method in which he applied a herbal salve and also used an acupunture needle to do the removal. He told me that it would take about two weeks for the scabs to drop off and there would be no scars. There were a few customers before me and also one young boy immediately after.

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