Sunday 31 August 2008


My mum had wanted to buy a new prayer altar and I took her to look for one at a furniture shop in New Town Ipoh. She had already made her choice and was in the midst of paying the deposit and giving instructions on when to send the altar to our house when the lady whom she dealt with (I think she is the proprietor's wife) said that my mum was being unreasonable when she asked for the table to be sent on Tuesday, the second of September. I stepped in and explained that we had checked the T'ung Shu and selected an auspicious date to instal the new altar. The lady said that since they had a lot of furniture to send to other houses on Tuesday and insisted on sending it on Monday, a day which clashed with my mum's zodiac and so we refused. Even when I explained that we did not want to risk having any clashes as my mum's health is not too good and doing something like changing a prayer altar could disturb the balance of chi if it is done at an auspicious time. I don't want to bore you with the details of the disagreement but the lady was very rude and insulted my mum.
Then, I politely told the lady that we would choose another date and go again as unlike her I did not want to be rude. When we were in the car, I told my mum that she should not buy the table from that shop as they did not know how to treat their customers well. Also, all the negativity arising from the disagreement and the hurtful words the lady said to a 76 year old lady would be deterrent enough not to have any dealings with them. We did not want to have the negative energy transferred to our house. After all there are many more shops selling altars in Ipoh that my mum can patronize.

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