Sunday 3 August 2008


The cat-sitter and assistant
My girls and I posing in front of the cages for the cats
Juliana and I

The girls feeding the cats

I am sure everyone is familiar with the term baby-sitter. But what about cat-sitter? Well, I will be cat-sitting for my friends, Rosli and Mashita. Both husband and wife will be away for a week. Rosli will be attending a course in Penang while his wife is off to Mauritius to present a paper at an educational convention there.
Anyway, it is not too demanding a job and I get to play with their cats. I brought 4 of my girls from the hostel to help me feed the cats this evening. Tomorrow, I'll bring the boys along as the cages need to be cleaned. The cats are usually allowed to roam freely in the house when the couple is at home but since they will not be around for a week, three of the cats have been put into the cages. One more has his place at the back of the house. So, it will be up to me and my assistants to come every day and take them out to play until their mummy and daddy come home.
Pets have a very calming effect on humans and they are a source of happiness. Those people who have pets would agree with me. My family's pet dog, Angel, is my mum's constant companion and she is the one who would alert my mum should any intruder enter our compound. Mind you, my mum holds conversation with Angel all the time and she seems to be able to understand.


ohchek said...

I had been following your blog for about a week. With due respect,I dare to express to your, so far your blog is the best of all. Keep it up and maintain your standard all along

Miss Cheah said...

Dear ohchek,
You have my made day. Thanks a bunch.
Li Na