Monday 4 August 2008


According to sites that advocate symbolic feng shui, placing the figurine of the Dragon and the Phoenix together in your Nien Yen or relationships direction based your Kua number would help a marriage to be blissful. When the dragon and phoenix are depicted together, they symbolize the perfect Yin and Yang symbol, a pair of lovers that are connected for all of eternity, a happy marriage that is blessed with success and prosperity as well as many filial children.

However, I beg to differ as I don't really think that a mere figurine of the mighty dragon and majestic phoenix would be able to create a condition of perpetual marital bliss for all couples. If it really works then there would be no more separations, divorces and marital rifts. In Taoism, we believe that however long a person can be married to another is dependant on yuen fan (something like Karma). If a person is only fated to be with another for just 3 months then three months it is. After that period, no matter how loving the couple - no matter how compatible, there will be a way to separate them. Death of one of them would be the most likely answer. Also, ones paht chee and the annual afflictions of the zodiac sign plus the flying stars for each year would also affect the wellbeing of a marriage. There are some years which are not good years for romance and there will be years when one has peach blossom afflictions (meaning third party interference). Physical chemistry would be another factor influencing how blissful a relationship is. The chemistry might only be for a short period of time but it might also last a lifetime. Nothing is set, nothing is certain. With the passing of time, humans change. You can see physical changes with each passing day. Our characters also change with time. So, how sure are we that the compatibility of a husband and wife will remain the same over a period of time. We can never know.

So, if you ask me to provide you with feng shui tips for marital bliss, I would honestly say that it is best that you work at maintaining a good relationship with your other half. By all means purchase the feng shui item as it might be a reminder to try to work at ones relationship and it will sort of programme the couple to aim for marital bliss. But if you ask me, there is really no "magic" coming our from the figurine. It is all in the mind.

Source of picture:

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