Tuesday 5 August 2008


As the Media teacher of my school, I had conducted two workshops to teach the teachers in my school to create their own blogs and web sites. There were those teachers who did not get to attend the workshops as they had either gone for courses or were chaperoning students for out-of-school activities. I had asked permission to carry out the tutorials during school hours and the teacher in charge of relief classes would not give me any classes to relief for three weeks. Actually the three weeks are up and those teachers who still have not completed 6 hours of the tutorials would have to make appointments with me for their sessisons to be carried out from 3.00 to 5.00 p.m.
However, I had to make an exception for Cikgu Ishak Salasa as I had promised him two weeks ago to teach him. The first week he came and I had to turn him away as there were already two members of staff doing the tutorials and I did not have enough laptops. He then came in the afternoon for the tutorial but I was teaching Puan Nor Amlina and did not have enough laptops. So, he had to go home. Then when I had the laptop and he had the time, there was no Internet connection for the whole of Friday. He made another appointment last week and again I had to turn him down again as I had to attend a workshop at the PKG. So when he came today during recess time, I specially made time to teach him. His blog is about his hometown, Chemor. There is a Malay saying which goes, "Kata mesti di kota" which translates to mean we must keep our promises.

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