Monday 4 August 2008


Dzi (pronounced "Zee") is a mysterious stone found in Tibet. It is a patterned, usually agate bead of mainly cylindrical or tabular shape. In Chinese, it is known as Heaven's Bead (天珠). If you look closely at one such bead, you may notice etched symbols composed of circles, ovals, square, waves, stripes, lines and various other natural symbolic patterns. Other classes of dzi include natural banded agates that have been untreated. Normally, they have a reddish or brownish colour.
Dzi beads are used as amulets in Tibet and sometimes also traditional Tibetan medicine. You'd know that the beads had been used for medicianal purposes if you see small "dig marks" where a portion of the bead has been scraped or shaved away to be ground into the medicine. It is also believed that beads that are broken have diluted benefit because they have taken the brunt of the force that would have otherwise impacted the wearer.
The Dzi is considered very precious in Tibetan culture and to them it is thebest amulet. The longer the Dzi exists in this world, the more potent it becomes.

Myths about Dzis
  1. Meteorites from outer space: Some people believe that meteorites fell from outer space onto the fields and became Dzis.
  2. Dzis are precious jewels of the Gods: The Tibetans say that Dzis are the precious jewels of the gods who cast the blemished ones on to the human world.
  3. Dzis are the magic spells cast by the Lord Buddha: The Tibetans believed that the Lord Buddha came to relieve their ancestors of their sufferings by dropping magic Dzis from the sky.

Dzi Bead Meaning

Dzi stones are described to heal illnesses, particularly blood-related diseases and will protect a person from ill-willed enemies and from their evil curses. The stone will remove all obstacles so that a person will be protected from accidents, natural disasters, and accidental deaths, such as some unfortunate people experience by simply being at the wrong place at the wrong time. They bring good luck, good Karma and happiness, long life and protection.

Want to know more about Dzis? Please visit the following addresses:




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