Friday 15 August 2008


Very hot! But still want to pose for a picture using a scarf

Part of the vineyard

Kamariah in front of the vineyard

Protecting the grapes

Another part of the vineyard

2 bunches of grapes

More grapes
How to contact Puan Saloma

Knowing that I have a great interest in plants, my friend, Kamariah, took me to a grape vineyard in Lekir this afternoon. We went after school to have a look at the place which is managed by a lady by the name of Saloma. As it was noon time, the sun was scorching hot and Puan Saloma was no where in sight. However, the owner of the store situated next to the vineyard said that we could have a look-see.

The grapes will only be ready for harvest in November and those who want to buy the grapes can actually choose and pluck them at the time of purchase. Well, I'll have to wait another 3 months before I go again. I'll also be taking photographs of the fully grown grapes to compare with the ones that I snapped today.
Now on to the Feng Shui bit of this post. What significance has grapes as regards to Feng Shui?

To the Chinese the grapes are the symbolic representation of abundance and multiplication of wealth luck. It gives the idea of material wealth, luxury and always having more than enough to eat.
The Chinese also believe that grapes bring great success in the near future. Therefore, those who are into symbolic Feng Shui would advice you to display a delicious looking bunch of grapes to signify good things to come and an improvement in one’s fortune luck. Similarly, it would also be advisable for someone who is about to embark on a new business venture, start a new job or move to a new situation to display a bunch of grapes to bring good fortune in his/her future endeavours. In addition a displaying a bunch of grapes would help someone who is encountering bad luck to turn bad luck into good luck. Those who are childless or who would want to add to their brood are advised to display grapes in the west sector of their houses as grapes are also a sign of fertility and descendant luck. The best places to display the grapes (either real or articial) would be in the living room or dining room.


North sector - for good career prospects
Northeast sector - for education luck and wisdom

Want more money flowing in? You'd say YES, of course. Well one way that believers of symbolic feng shui would recommend is to place a bowl of green and purple grapes (real or artificial) in the wealth area of the kitchen, to symbolize abundance filling your home. If real grapes are used, you can eat them after a day or two but remember to replace them with new ones. Also, make sure that the grapes placed in that direction are fresh and the bowl used to contain them is at least half full.

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