Thursday 14 August 2008


Look at the two little girls in the picture. Who is prettier? Apparently the organisers of the Beijing Olympics thought the one in red is and chose her to perform the song "Ode to Motherland" during the opening ceremony. But she was only lip-synching while behind the scene, a second girl was really singing the song, To me, I think both girls are pretty and cute. Before I go any further, I'd like you to read excerpts from the news article below.

Child Singer Not Pretty Enough for Olympics Opener; Girl Lip-Syncs Her Song
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

BEIJING — A 7-year-old Chinese girl was not good-looking enough for the Olympics opening ceremony, so another little girl with a pixie smile lip-synced "Ode to the Motherland," a ceremony official said — the latest example of the lengths Beijing took for a perfect start to the Summer Games.
A member of China's Politburo asked for the last-minute change to match one girl's face with another's voice, the ceremony's chief music director, Chen Qigang, said in an interview with Beijing Radio.
"The audience will understand that it's in the national interest," Chen said in a video of the interview posted online Sunday night.
China has been eager to present a flawless Olympics image to the world, shooing migrant workers and so-called petitioners who come to the central government with grievances from the city and shutting down any sign of protest.
The country's quest for perfection apparently includes its children.
Lin Miaoke's performance Friday night, like the ceremony itself, was an immediate hit. "Nine-year-old Lin Miaoke becomes instant star with patriotic song," the China Daily newspaper headline said Tuesday.
But the real voice behind the tiny, pigtailed girl in the red dress who wowed 91,000 spectators at the National Stadium on opening night really belonged to 7-year-old Yang Peiyi. Her looks apparently failed the cuteness test with officials organizing the ceremony, but Chen said her voice was judged the most beautiful.
"The national interest requires that the girl should have good looks and a good grasp of the song and look good on screen," Chen said. "Lin Miaoke was the best in this. And Yang Peiyi's voice was the most outstanding."
During a live rehearsal soon before the ceremony, the Politburo member said Miaoke's voice "must change," Chen said in the radio interview. He didn't name the official.
So Peiyi's voice was matched with Miaoke's face.
"We had to make that choice. It was fair both for Lin Miaoke and Yang Peiyi," Chen told Beijing Radio. "We combined the perfect voice and the perfect performance."
Chen couldn't be reached for comment Tuesday.
A photo of Peiyi posted Tuesday on popular Web site shows a smiling girl with bangs and crooked teeth. A China News Service story posted with the photo says a China Central Television reporter asked Peiyi whether she felt regret over the opening ceremony.
Peiyi responded that just having her voice used for the opening ceremony was an honor.
Whether the move was unethical, or unfair to both girls, has become a hot topic among Chinese and is racing across the country's blogosphere.
"The organizers really messed up on this one," said Luo Shaoyang, 34, a retail worker in Beijing.
"This is like a voice-over for a cartoon character," Luo said. "Why couldn't they pick a kid who is both cute and a good singer? This damages the reputation of both kids for their future, especially the one lip-syncing. Now everyone knows she's a fraud. Who cares if she's cute?"
Zhang Xinyi, 22, who works in marketing in Beijing, disagreed.
"I can understand why they picked the prettier girl. They need to maintain a certain aesthetic beauty during the opening ceremonies. This situation is not so bad, especially since it gives two people an opportunity to shine rather than just one."

I think that what they have done is very superficial and unethical. So what if the singer is not pretty? I am sure many people in the world would really like to look at the real person who is singing the song. If each and every singer need to be beautiful to perform then the plastic surgeons would be very, very busy indeed. Look at many of the most gifted singers in the world! They do not have Angelina Jolie or Brad Pitt looks. The world would be at a loss if only beautiful people are allowed to perform and those with real talent have to stay in the background. Well! What do you think?


ohchek said...

I am sharing the same opinion like you. "Not pretty enough" rightfully shall not be the excuse.

Miss Cheah said...

Dear ohchek,
Yes, many of my friends feel the same way. Thanks for writing in.

Li Na