Thursday 14 August 2008


Here are some Chinese beliefs (superstitions???) about brooms:
  1. Sweeping the house on the first day of the Chinese New Year would ean sweeping away the good fortune for the year.
  2. Bringing an old broom into a new house would chase away the wealth luck of the new residence.
  3. If you want your wish to come true, try to make your wish while holding a broom.
  4. If you want to inflict bad luck on someone, just hit him/her with a broom. Sial will befall them.
  5. Reversing the broom (with the handle resting on the floor) and leaning it against the door will prevent burglary.
  6. If you are being haunted by a ghost, then try stepping over a broomstick.
  7. Want a life partner? Try jumping over a broom nine times within a year. If you are single, give it a try and let me know if it works.

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